The trade union and the Prosecutor's Office have advised young people before their first shipboard training
As part of the work on legal education of citizens, representatives of the Seafarers' Union of Russia and the Sevastopol Transport Prosecutor's Office held a meeting with third-year students of maritime specialties of the Maritime College of Sevastopol State University.
The theme of the event was "Protection of seafarers' rights".
The Chairman of the SUR Sevastopol Primary Organization, Artem Boev, spoke about the ILO Maritime Labour Convention and went into detail on the amendments to the MLC that will come into force on December 23, 2024. New provisions concern accommodations and recreation facilities; food provisions and catering; medical assistance on board and on shore; health care, safety and accident prevention.
-Another important amendment states that Seafarers should be mandatory informed, prior to the process of engagement, of their rights under the system of financial protection, - A. Boev said. — That system was established to compensate for monetary damage that seafarers may suffer in case the recruitment agency or the shipowner fails to fulfil their obligations to employees in accordance with the employment agreement.
The Chairman of the SUR Sevastopol Primary Organization also noted that since third-year students are about to undergo their first in-life shipboard training, the focus was made on the content of an individual employment agreement; the advantages of working on a vessel covered by a collective agreement and benefits of a trade union membership.
— We paid special attention to the analysis of the most common violations that seafarers face at work, — Artem Boev added. — As a rule, the rights of crew members are violated on vessels operating without trade union collective agreements.
Besides, we took enough time to a detailed analysis of the on-board and on-shore complaint procedures.