
Seafarers' interest in trade union activities is growing

Since the beginning of 2024, the Baltic Territorial Organization of the Seafarers' Union of Russia admitted to its membership more than 30 seafarers. Just yesterday, three seafarers under the age of 35 came to BTO SUR to renew their membership cards. One of them was going to join the crew of a Sovcomflot vessel, another was going to join the crew of a Roswell Arctic-owned vessel, and the third was assigned to work on board a Norbulk vessel. 

Every year, the BTO SUR Primary Organizations take dozens of seafarers into their ranks. Since January of this year, the highest number of SUR membership applications - more than 50% - have been made by senior crew members.  It is noteworthy, that 65% of new trade union members are seafarers under the age of 40. Also, there are two women among new SUR members: a ship's cook and a ship engineer.

Another trend is a growing interest in the work of the trade union from cadets. Usually, most of their questions are related to shipboard training and subsequent employment.

The BTO SUR team provides daily consultations to the union members and their families. They assist seafarers and their families to draw up legal claims, to address disputes with shipowner.

Priority trade union work includes efforts to increase  the number of trade union members, to raise the profile of SUR in the trade union movement, among employers and government bodies, in social partnership, in safeguarding of social and economic  rights and interests of trade union members, in occupational safety and health protection, and in youth policy.

