
Seafarer received medical treatment thanks to the SUR intervention

The Seafarers' Union of Russia received a letter of gratitude from the motorman of the fishing vessel Arka-33, whom SUR assisted in receiving urgent medical treatment. 

The motorman of the fishing vessel Arka-33 of the Murmansk-based company Antey-Sever contacted the Far Eastern Territorial Organization of the Seafarers’ Union of Russia and reported that on June 16, 2024, when the vessel was in the Barents Sea, he was cooking crabs and loading cooked crabs in cages onto special platforms, and his back began to hurt. 

The motorman assumed that the backache was due to the fact that he had to lift heavy cages. The seafarer turned to the vessel's management for urgent medical assistance, and the Chief Officer gave him a painkiller injection. The next day, the motorman was unable to go to work due to a backache. Then he wrote a statement to the Captain, in which he asked to be sent ashore for medical treatment since the pain did not subside. 

Instead of helping the motorman, the captain issued an absence from work order and transferred him to passenger status, thereby denying him his bonus. The seafarer did not agree with the order.

Repeated appeals to the Captain yielded no results. The case moved forward only when the trade union intervened at the seafarer's request. The trade union examined all details and assisted the seafarer in filing an application to the Murmansk Regional Prosecutor's Office. 

In addition, the trade union advised the seafarer to demand that the captain draw up an N-1 form report on the industrial accident, as well as to investigate the circumstances of the incident. 

Competent steps immediately led to a result: the captain informed the motorman that he would be transferred to the supply vessel "Pomor" and he would be taken ashore. 

The seafarer reported that he had received medical treatment in Arkhangelsk. He expressed gratitude to the trade union for valuable advice and promised that as soon as he gets to Primorsk Territory, he will definitely come to the FETO SUR office to personally thank the Seafarers' Union of Russia for its assistance.

