
A working meeting of SUR and RUD representatives was held in Nakhodka

Nikolay Sukhanov, the Chairman of the Far Eastern Territorial Organization of the Seafarers’ Union of Russia and Vyacheslav Pak, the Chairman of the Primary trade union public organization of the Russian Union of Dockers of OAO “Nakhodka Commercial Sea Port” discussed the cooperation of the trade unions in protecting the rights and interests of seafarers and dockers of the Russian Far East. 

-Firstly, we talked about concluding of collective agreements - the main document that allows us to improve working conditions and safety in the workplace, - Nikolay Sukhanov said. Vyacheslav Pak noted that the trade union committee has concluded a collective agreement with the administration of the commercial sea port, which allows addressing many issues related to labor relations. They may concern motivation, financial aid, employee remuneration system and much more. 

-A collective agreement helps clarify the relationship between employer and employee, allows complying with the requirements of labor legislation and protect the interests of the parties,- he explained. In addition, the issue of interaction between dockers and seafarers during the period of actions to combat flags of convenience was discussed. 

Colleagues came to the decision that it is necessary to agree in advance the time and place of the action, as well as direct assistance in the event of conflict arises regarding working conditions on board a vessel or in the port. These include delayed wages, demund to increase wages, improving working conditions, and providing seafarers and dockers with work clothing. Nikolay Sukhanov reminded that if dockers refuse to handle the vessel for objective reasons, seafarers are not obliged to perform the dockers' job. 

He especially emphasized that FETO SUR has a cooperation agreement with the Far Eastern Transport Prosecutor's Office, which plays a huge role in protecting the rights and interests of seafarers. 

The prosecutor's office and the trade union expressed interest in constructive cooperation with focus on importance of implementation of current legal instruments, in order to increase the effectiveness of prosecutorial supervision and public control over compliance with labor laws and international conventions on the labor rights of seafarers.

