
Vessels' inspections in the ports of Nakhodka and Vostochny resulted in improving working conditions for seafarers

This conclusion was reached by the Chairman of the Far Eastern Territorial Organization of the Seafarers’ Union of Russia, Nikolay Sukhanov having summed up the results of the work of FETO SUR Labor Inspectors for 2022-2023. Their activities are related to visiting vessels at the ports of Nakhodka and Vostochny and inspecting working conditions on board.

In just two years, the FETO SUR representatives visited 95 sea vessels under foreign and Russian flags. Notices were sent to 77 shipowners demanding the conclusion of collective agreements with trade unions. As a result, 13 employers signed agreements with seafarers' unions, including SUR, and three shipping companies changed the flags of their vessels to national ones. 

For example, in May 2023, a Vietnamese shipowner entered into a collective agreement with the Seafarers' Union of Russia and almost doubled the wages of seafarers following a visit of FETO SUR Inspectors on board of the flag of convenience MV Inlaco Bright and holding a protest on board.

In December 2023, an agreement was signed between FETO SUR and Stolt Tankers B.V., which employs more than 500 seafarers - the Russian Far East residents - on board its vessels.

In cases where seafarers complained about delayed wages, the FETO SUR Inspectors took promptly measures to address the issues. In particular, employers repaid debts after appeals to port captains. More than USD1.5 million in wages were returned to seafarers for 2022-2023. 

Usually, during their visits on board, FETO SUR Inspectors tell seafarers about the flag of convenience system and the reasons why a collective agreement is needed. The scale of use of flags of convenience in the world has reached a record level: more than half of the world's merchant fleet is already registered in cheap registers. It’s not easy for seafarers working on board vessels not covered by a collective agreement - flag of convenience registers do not ensure compliance with minimum labor standards. 

A characteristic feature of the legislation of flag of convenience countries is that they do not regulate important issues of crew recruitment and do not offer a serious supervision system. In the absence of control by the flag state, shipowners can set their own rules and regulations, including wage levels and working conditions for seafarers.

Inspectors explain to crews that the task of maritime trade unions is to ensure that shipowners comply with at least the minimum requirements for working conditions. Thus, the salary of an AB Seaman should be at least USD1,836, and the amount of compensation in case of a seafarer's death while on a voyage should be no less than USD110,000.

“A collective agreement with national trade union in case of flags of convenience vessels and the SUR collective agreement for Russian flagged vessels – is the only way to guarantee the protection of legitimate rights and interests of fleet workers,” - the FETO SUR Chairman Nikolay Sukhanov concludes. 

It remains to add that during each meeting with the crews, the FETO SUR Inspectors give the crew members books on the rights of seafarers working on FOC vessels and the latest issues of the “Maritime Unions Herald”. Also, they invite all seafarers to visit International Marine Club of Nakhodka in their spare time.

