
Trade union assisted a Russian seafarer to sign off from the vessel

The Seafarers' Union of Russia assisted a crew member of MV Seapower 1 to sign off from the vessel ahead of schedule.

A Russian seafarer turned to SUR with a request to assist him in repatriation. He wanted to terminate the voyage ahead of schedule because he did not get along very well with the captain, and he wanted to terminate the voyage ahead of schedule. However, the seafarer did not intend to pay out of his pocket for the repatriation.

As a result of negotiations, SUR and the shipping company agreed on repatriation on the employee’s terms: the crew member of MV Seapower 1 was paid about $2,000 - money he earned at sea, and was repatriated at the expense of the employer.

The Seafarers' Union of Russia received a message of thanks from the former crew member of MV Seapower 1 for the prompt resolution of his issue.

Photo IMO

