
Scammers can act on behalf of MOL

The seafarer told the Seafarers Union of Russia about this. So, recently, a Chief Engineer was looking for a job, sending out his CV. In response, he received a letter with an offer of employment, allegedly from Mitsui O.S.K. Lines. The vigilant seafarer decided to check the phone number indicated in the letter - +61292624996. It turned out that it had already appeared in fraudulent schemes against seafarers. Previously this number was used by the Oceania recruitment center, posing as the «daughter» of AAL Shipping Company, which was luring money from seafarers for employment services. The same number was listed as the contact of Oman Shipping recruitment center, which also offered to transfer funds before hiring.

Note that in addition to the phone number, the letter also contains several email addresses – jobs.mitsuiosklines@gmail.com, crewing-office@mitsui-osk-shipping.com, alexander-denki@mitsui-osk-shipping.com . First of all, it should be said that usually large companies do not register mailboxes on such free mail domains as gmail. Moreover, the specified contact details (mailboxes and phone number) do not appear on the official website of the shipping company.

The Seafarers' Union of Russia highlights the need to verify telephone numbers and postal addresses. When  a potential employer demands you to pay a recruitment fee it is a sure sign of his dishonesty. Besides such request is in a violation of the Maritime Labor Convention and  simply illegal.

