
The union will not leave in trouble

The SUR and the ITF inspection in St. Petersburg helped the widow to receive compensation for the death of her husband. The woman turned to the SUR and the ITF when she realized that the insurance company did not plan to pay the money, since the captain of the m/v Selinda died not while working, but at home, almost a month after the discharging.

The tragedy in the family occurred last year. In autumn, the captain brought the ship to the Philippines for sale. After the transaction was closed, the seafarer felt bad, it turned out that he suffered a heart attack. But he did not stay in the Philippines for long, just a week later he was repatriated to be treated. Unfortunately, the hospital in St. Petersburg did not really have time to do anything. After not being under the supervision of doctors for a week, the captain was discharged home because of the coronavirus detected in the medical institution. At home, the seafarer died after a blood clot broke off. The widow has been trying for a long time to independently resolve the issue of paying compensation as she believed that the heart attack and the death of her husband were interrelated. However, it was not easy to find a common language with insurance companies. Then she asked for help from the SUR and the ITF.

Since the ship Selinda was covered by collective agreement, the issue of compensation, albeit not immediately, was resolved. The parties came to an agreement on the payment of $70 thousand to the captain's family. The woman thanked the trade union for its work, noting that the SUR and the ITF are doing a great job for seafarers and their families.

Photo cardiff.ac.uk

