
The basic rate of the AB was set up 75 years ago

In 1946, the Maritime Parity Commission of the International Labour Organization established for the first time the minimum monthly basic rate for AB. Since then, it has been regularly updated. So these days, on April 26-27, a meeting of the subcommittee of the Maritime Parity Commission was held. The seafarers 'side was represented by the International Transport Workers Federation, while the employers' side was represented by the International Chamber of Shipping. The chairman of the Russian Seafarers ' Union, Yuriy Sukhorukov, took part in the work of the subcommittee.

Recall that the last time a similar meeting was held in 2018. Then the social partners provided for an increase in the minimum basic rate of an AB, that is, payment for work not exceeding 48 hours per week, for three years by $27 dollars. This was 4.5% of the existing level at that time – $614. Thus, the parties agreed to increase the base rate to $618 by July 1, 2019, to $625 by January 1, 2020, and by another $16 by January 1, 2021. That is, it is now $641. After the negotiations in 2018, the ITF noted that the dialogue was difficult as the representatives of the workers met with serious resistance from the shipowners when it came to a significant increase in the basic rate. The unions had planned to raise it by $50, but employers reacted negatively to the proposal. In the end, the social partners found a compromise, providing for an increase of $27. It is difficult to guess what decision the parties will come to at the current meeting. But, of course, the ITF will make every effort to achieve an increase in the level of well-being of the crews. It remains to add that the Maritime Parity Commission has existed since 1920. It is the only permanent bilateral body of the ILO. It consists of the Chairman, two members of the governing body (one is an employee, the other is an employer), 20 representatives of shipowners, 20 representatives of seafarers, 4 delegates from shipowners and 4 delegates from seafarers. The Subcommittee on Seafarers ' Remuneration was formed at the 280th session of the ILO Governing Body in March 2001. It is collected to update the level of the basic rate of the AB. As mentioned above, the SUR is a member of the sub-committee.

