The systematically unpaid wages becamea reason to launch a criminal case against a
shipowner. Despite thecourt had taken a
decisionin favour of a seafareras a claimant and required to recover the
wage debt against OOO Transport Shipping Company, theemployer kept breakingthelabour law and not payingto
The investigative authorities of theFar Eastern Transport Investigation Agency
openedthecriminal case on outstanding wages of 17-crew
Pacific following theseafarers had been
filingseveral claims indifferent authorities, includingthe Seafarers' Union of Russia.The total amountof wagedebt is more RUB1,7million.The
director-general at OOO Transport Shipping Company was a defendant in thecriminal case.
Theinvestigators had
turned the spotlighton theproblemand unfair companyrecovered the
debtpartly or RUB865,000.Work upon debt repaymentis goingon.
“Previously the SUR FERO received an unpaid-wageclaim from a chief engineerof Pacific,” Nikolai Sukhanov, thechairman at theSUR's Far Eastern Regional Organization, said.
“Sergei Nikolayevich Vasilyev, our lawyer in Vladivostok, prepared thedocuments for theirapplying tocourt. Theclaim was
satisfiedby court. According to ruling,
OOO Transport Shipping Company payed RUB559,262 to thechief engineer.”