
Too many shipowners give minimum guarantees

From 3 February to 7 February 2014, a Week of Actions against substandard and flag of convenience (FOC) shipping was held in the countries of Asia-Pacific Region. Launched by maritime trade unions and the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) it was aimed at over 60 ports. Inspectors were checking the vessels and dealing with crew members.

A special attention was paid to seafarers’ working and living conditions. 23 vessels were inspected in the Russian Far East ports, and over 100 vessels were inspected in Japan and South Korea. Ports of Vladivostok, Nakhodka and Vostochny were inspected by officers of the Seafarers’ Union of Russia (SUR).

During the week of action officers of the Primary trade union organization of the Seafarers’ Union of Russia in Vladivostok managed to sign one collective agreement approved by the ITF and also agreed to sign another one. Backed up by their foreign colleagues they supported crew members of the m/v «Yekaterina», m/v «Topazovy» and m/v «Win» with their wage arrears. A total of 2 million rubles and 64 thousand US dollars have been returned to seafarers already. The rest of the money, which is 40 thousand dollars, is to be paid in the middle of February.

Unfortunately seafarers serving aboard vessels flying the Russian flag continue to face difficulties despite the fact that officially the flag of Russia is not a FOC. That is why the SUR officers always check Russian flag ships during the Weeks of Actions. During the last Week, the Primary trade union organization of the Seafarers’ Union of Russia in Vladivostok received claims for wages arrears from seafarers of the m/v «Refrigerator-605» and m/v «Nadezhda».

«What makes the situation even worse is an offshore scheme used by owners of Russian vessels, - says Petr Osichansky, head of the Primary trade union organization of the Seafarers’ Union of Russia in Vladivostok. – Is that service in such companies makes seafarers lose their right for pension and social insurance, and this is a brazen violation of the Labour Code of the Russian Federation. Seafarers working aboard vessels covered by a collective agreement are more protected. For example in «Sovkomflot», «Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Ltd.» and «StoltTankers» they are covered by such an agreement. These companies lead a civil way of business and have good relations with the SUR and the ITF».

In the ports of Nakhodka and Vostochny vessels were inspected by representatives of the Far Eastern Branch, SUR. They managed to visit 14 vessels flying flags of convenience. Nikolai Sukhanov, Chairman of the organization, reported of the inspection:

«All of the vessels, except the m/v «Alessandra» (flag of Belize), with Russian seafarers among the crew members have the Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance. The m/v «Alessandra» is covered by an ITF collective agreement and is going to get the Declaration in the near future.  Readiness to have the Declaration means that shipowners began to pay attention to seafarers’ labour conditions though there are still a lot of problems». 

«Seafarers serving aboard the m/v «Aniva» (flag of Russia) and m/v «Silver dream» (flag of Cambodia) receive 450 dollars a month, which is much lower than the wages according to the international standards, and they are not covered by any collective agreement. The SUR sent notifications to the companies, which did not have any agreements, and demanded to sign a collective agreement. This measure will provide seafarers with decent labour and living conditions. Moreover, such an agreement can be signed on board the vessel in a matter of minutes».

«A precedent has been established by «Five Ocean Corporation» on board of the «Ricsky» dry cargo ship (flag of Panama).

«During the inspection it turned out that crew members have labour contracts and the wages is paid on time. Nothing to pick on in general. Except the collective agreement, or the absence of it, to be more exact. But soon the affair was settled. When being aboard we asked the ITF officials to get in touch with the company and to persuade them to sign a collective agreement. The parties came to terms within just one telephone conversation».

«During the Week of Actions work was in full swing even in the office of the Far Eastern Branch. Several claims concerning wages arrears were drawn up there. Seafarers from m/v «Roxana» and m/v «Lam» were luckier as they were paid their 400 thousand dollars wage arrears during the Week of Actions. The seafarers expressed their gratitude to the SUR for its support», Mr.Sukhanov said.

Though last year the ILO Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, came into force, not all seafarers’ problems have been solved. It arises from the fact that most of the FOC shipowners, and there are 50% of them in the world shipping, are not willing to give their workers minimum social guarantees. Unfortunately they evade taxes as well as their responsibilities towards crew members.

This is what the first Week of Actions in 2014 looked like. During the year there will be other campaigns in different regions. Meanwhile, the trade union will continue to protect seafarers’ rights.

